The IACSB International Agency for Certified Schools of Business has its beginnings in the leadership institute of 1996 which focused on business principles. The focus of the IACSB is as an accreditation body which recognizes education& skills obtained from accredited courses, accredited program exams, and accredited college education programs.
The IACSB is EU and USA based, accredited in Europe, and recognizes over 50 curriculums and certification programs in banking, accounting, finance, risk, project management, human resources and more. The IP, Certifications and Accreditations are licensed out to top educational bodies, MOOC Massive Open Online Course Providers, and top e-Learning companies.
There are no higher standards than our policies and alliances with the: ACBSP, SIS, IAF, IAS, TUV, ISO Standards, Arab Academy, ESQ Europe, and others. We accept existing courses toward certification which include government recognized education and exams and our quality management board evaluates educational programs for accreditation based on these standards and criteria for certification.
We select the best of breed courses as a pathway for relevant certifications. In this way, graduates of tope courses and programs may be immediately eligible for professional recognition and certification through joint certification programs.

Education Week
- Rick talks with the CEO of Panorama Education, an ed-tech company whose college- and career-readiness tools are currently used each year in 11,500 schools.
- In a recent high-profile case, Harvard College rescinded its offer to a school-shooting survivor after racist comments he’d written online surfaced. But how common is it for colleges to take back offers? And do students have any recourse?
- Students from low-income families face a bumpier road than their wealthier peers, according to the National Center for Education Statistics' annual Condition of Education data compendium.
- The College Board's plan to score students' 'level of disadvantage' based on their schools and neighborhoods has some college counselors asking: Will wealthy parents try to game the system?
- Two recent studies of Teach to One: Math highlight the tension in math between grade-level-based accountability systems and approaches to instruction that enable more personalized paths to college and career readiness.
- Philanthropies may be moving away from big new investments with a K-12 academic focus and toward areas like social and emotional learning and wraparound services, Grantmakers in Education finds.
- Nearly all are gauging school performance in part by whether students show they're ready for life after high school, a way of meeting ESSA's requirement for some measure aside from test scores.
- We should condemn language that incites violence, but we can't do so by stifling vigorous—even provocative—debate, writes Andy Smarick.